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A new engine!

Started by CraigStern, June 05, 2016, 05:39:11 PM

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-- new script action: StatGrowthsToList. Creates a list of every stat for which the character possesses a growth value greater than 0. Three parameters: character name, list name, and an optional boolean parameter, weighted list. If weighted list is set to true, each stat growth is added to the list a number of times equal to the growth's value.

-- new tag supported: ForceNextStatUp. This forces the specified stat to be the next one chosen for improvement whenever the character's next level-up occurs. (Note that these tags can stack.)

-- new in-game event written and scripted: one of your units approaches you and asks you which stat they should work on improving. Whichever you select, they will improve it during their next level-up.

-- new script action: SkillProgToList. Creates a list of everything in the specified character's remaining skill progression, starting with their next one. Two parameters: character name and list name.

-- new script action: ListToSkillProg. Set the specified character's remaining skill progression to the contents of the specified list. Two parameters: character name and list name.

-- created a new icon to represent low morale.

-- the character screen now displays the "low morale" icon in place of the regular morale icon when a character's morale is in the negative range.

-- there is now an animated "morale bar" in the style of the health/energy/experience bars that displays changes to a character's morale in cut scenes and camp activities.

-- fixed: camp activities with individualized morale effects that did not trigger dialogue weren't actually affecting character morale.

-- fixed a small scripting error that sometimes caused the "crush" event to freeze the game.


-- created a new random event in which a character asks you which of their next 3 skill progression entries they should focus on for their next level-up. Whichever one you choose, it will be placed at the very front of that character's skill progression!

-- doubled the frequency of paydays to give the game a tighter economic core loop and increase the significance of character salaries. (Paydays now occur biweekly instead of monthly.)

-- increased the amount of money awarded for Arena battles to make it easier to make payroll.

-- the various difficulty settings now start you out with more (or less) aura.

-- created a fog of war "tile" that sits on top of a space hidden in fog of war and spits out roiling black volumetric smoke (it looks pretty darn cool in motion)!

-- coded fog of war in battle! It now appears in the appropriate spots (1) at the start of battle, (2) at the start of each turn, and (3) after each character move (provided that the Fog of War condition is set to true; if it isn't, then it doesn't appear at all). If deployment and fog of war are both set to true, while deployment is going on, the fog appears on every space that isn't within 2 spaces of a deployment tile. If you do manage to get the space selector over a fogged space somehow, the terrain inspector only displays "???"; any unit on any fogged tile is invisible. If fog of war is on, the undo stack is cleared after every character move.


Artist feedback!

-- received updated yelling mouth variations for generated lissit portraits.

-- received new variants on the portrait for the King of Dese.

-- received, created directional variations and tile data for new sandstone variant of the Castle terrain tileset.

-- created terrain preview swatches for new sandstone variant tilesets for the map editor.


-- having greater than 100% Accuracy now has some purpose beyond making Dodge-y characters easier to hit: it increases the likelihood of status effects hitting by 1% for every 2 points above 100.

-- added a gravity property to the 2D particle system to support proper parabolic motion for "spray" style particle effects.

-- added 2D particle effects to the Info Bar in cut scenes. Whenever you spend (or lose) aura, a spray of coins now erupts from the Aura icon in the info bar; when you gain aura, little sparkles burst out. Whenever you lose food, like food particles spray from the Food icon in the info bar; when you gain food, little sparkles burst out. (Buying food, for instance, will both cause coins to spray out of your Aura icon and sparkles to burst from your Food icon.)

-- added 2D particle effects to the Shop interface in cut scenes. Whenever you buy an item, little sparkles burst out of the Inventory button in the bottom-right of the screen, indicating a) that you've gained the item and b) drawing your attention to where it went.

-- added 2D particle effects to the Recruitment interface in cut scenes. Whenever you hire a recruit, little sparkles burst out of the View Army button in the center-top of the screen, indicating a) that you've gained the recruit and b) drawing your attention to where you can view them.

-- new optional parameter for SetFood and SetAura: a boolean parameter called No Negatives. If set to true, the game will refuse to lower the player's food or aura below zero.

-- when enemies destroy your tents in the Thief Attack battle, you now lose money.

-- fixed: the game wouldn't tell you that everyone had gone and prompt you to end your turn if the last character to use a turn-ending skill leveled up afterwards.

-- fixed: OnCharDeath dialogue could not be triggered by the destruction of an object.

-- fixed:  units could counterattack using skills they did not currently possess (e.g. because their weapon broke).


-- reformatted the Wind and Rain loops, added them into the game.

-- created an icon for Aptitude; added it to the stats screen in the character creator with a tooltip explaining what it is.


-- received new alternate Psy Academy dorm room cut scene background, added it to the game.

Had a playtesting party yesterday, and...well, it seems I'm gonna be fixing bugs again for a while.

-- tweaked some of the unit placement in Battle at the Oasis.

-- as a matter of balance, increased the Energy cost of Overhead Chop and Overhead Strike from 1 to 3.

-- any sound loops that were playing are now immediately, automatically stopped upon return to the game's title screen.

-- the team no longer automatically gains 1 morale by default when winning a battle; the default is now 0. Morale gained from winning a battle can now be set on a per-battle basis using the winMorale attribute.

-- the relative amount of aura gained from losing a battle can now be set on a per-battle basis using the lossAura attribute. (It's a decimal number between 0 and 1; by default, it is 0.25.)

-- the morale effects of losing a battle are now separate from winMorale, and are set on a per-battle basis using the attribute lossMorale. (This is set to -1 by default.)

-- fixed: the game wasn't saving the current winAura, lossAura, or winMorale during mid-battle saves. It now does, along with lossMorale.

-- increased the bar for damage below which characters will always Rest in the evening, and just generally increased the likelihood of hurt or energy-depleted units resting overall.

-- fixed a typo in which the game compared current energy to max health instead of max energy when determining the likehood of a unit resting in camp activities.

-- fixed: player-controlled characters that fell in battle would drop item sacks even if the Death Rules indicated that they weren't actually dead, thus resulting in duplication of the (still alive) unit's inventory upon their return!

-- fixed: the BackstabFactorPlus and SidestabFactorPlus tags would be reapplied over and over to the skill's backstab and sidestab factors and accumulate over time, leading to outrageous amount of sidestab and backstab damage. (I think one player hit an enemy for over 800 damage at the playtest. Oops!)

-- fixed a null error when checking for status effects tied to environmental damage in battle.

-- fixed: the shop's selling discount would be reapplied over and over to the value of owned items, gradually eroding them toward zero.

-- fixed a integer-division error in discounting the value of weapons based on their current uses out of maximum in the shop interface.

-- fixed: selecting a new character after clicking a skill button would not clear the text overlay with the skill name from the top of the screen.

-- fixed: I'd accidentally made it so you couldn't use items in battle while updating something else about character screens. (Oops.)

-- fixed: the rain loop from the Battle at Grabber's Grove would play forever, long after the battle ended.

-- fixed inaccurate description text on generated plated boots.

-- fixed a range error that occurred when clicking the report interface.

-- the report interface now responds to the Escape key being pressed.

-- fixed: the game would produce a null error when leveling up a premade unit whose counterattacks weren't specifically delineated in the XML file.


-- totally overhauled the way camera zooming works in battle in order to support manual camera zoom levels! You can now zoom the battle camera out using the minus key/mouse wheel, and zoom back in using the plus key/mouse wheel. There are four different levels of zoom, and automated zoom-in and zoom-out during character attacks play nicely with all of them.

-- dramatically increased the likelihood of Lockpicks showing up in the shop in the main campaign.

-- fixed: the game was inappropriately popping up "Damage -12" text when AI-controlled units used bandages, or "Drain -12" when they used Focus Pills.

-- fixed: the game wasn't swapping in apostrophes for double-tildes in item names when deserializing reserve supplies.

-- fixed: the game wasn't finding premade items whose names contained apostrophes (and not double-tildes).


-- it is now possible to use items in a character's character screen in cut scenes!

-- new Condition: Use Items. Cut scene only. One parameter: true or false. If true, the player will be able to use items within character screens in this cut scene.

-- set Use Items to true for the camp cut scene in the main campaign, and increased the cost of apples, mangoes and bandages somewhat to compensate for their increased utility.

-- added Appetite to the perusable information about units in the recruitment screen.

-- you can now right-click a character portrait within the Reserve Supplies screen to immediately call up that character's full character screen.

-- mousing over the numbers adjacent to icons in the character screen, level up screen, and recruitment info screen now shows the corresponding stat's tooltip as if you'd moused over the icon itself.

-- the masteries text in the character screen, level up screen, and recruitment info screen now produces a rollover tooltip explaining what masteries are.

-- the game now counts Frozen, Stunned, and Enthralled characters as "done" for purposes of the "Do you want to end your turn?" pop-up, and now counts Enthralled enemies as part of your team for that purpose.

-- created a "distant" variant on the Thunder sound effect.

-- added sound effects to the Rain event in the main campaign.

-- fixed: you could undo after a move that triggered dialogue or a pressure trigger. Doing either of these now clears the undo stack.


-- wrote out and scripted the main campaign's first involved main-plot-related cut scene event!

-- changed the tooltip description on the "Drop" button option for items in a character's inventory sub-window in the Reserve Inventory Screen to instead read "Store," making it clear that the item will only go to reserve supplies rather than disappearing forever.

-- by default, SetAura and SetFood will now cause the change to animate in the info bar when used in a cut scene. (An optional, third boolean parameter can be set to false to instead make the change appear instantaneously.)

-- camp activities that alter food or aura levels now animate the change within the info bar.

-- fixed: the game was disregarding the first character in the current roster when figuring out which characters are in the shop interface.

-- fixed: the game was still showing a blank "shadow" portrait for certain parts of camp activity dialogue where a character directly addressed the player.

-- fixed: the AI would fail to account for a character's own movement in move-then-self-target maneuvers, resulting in weird anomalies like a character moving and then healing the space where they just were with Mind Shield rather than the space they'd moved to.


-- created a random map generation feature that auto-produces starting terrain for you to work off of in the map editor! Supports maps with up to 3 different levels of elevation, up to 2 different regular terrain tilesets, and a single hazard tileset.

-- fixed some newfound gaps and errors in the game's auto-tiling logic.

-- added zoom-in and zoom-out functionality to the map editor with the mouse wheel.


-- took out the fields duplicative of the New map window from the Generate Map window in the Map Editor, renamed the window to Generate Terrain, and made it so it can only be used after you've created or loaded an existing map--then used the new space in the window to add in number pickers to further customize terrain generation.

-- added a hotkey shortcut (Shift + G) to the Generate Terrain window in the map editor.


-- little explosions of fireworks now appear at the end of a battle when the victory screen finished tallying up your score. :)

-- fixed a bug with the first tutorial.


Artist feedback!

-- received new night variants for the psy academy dorm room backgrounds; implemented them in the game.

-- improved the visibility of the Supplies button in the Shop interface.

-- did a bit of optimization on the victory screen particle effects.

-- created some more character name variants.

-- fixed: if you clicked at just the right moment, you could click the background and inappropriately advance narration in the first frame of a cut scene that embeds a dialogue tree.

-- fixed a little UI glitch with the layering of tooltips in the Shop interface pop-up warning window.


-- wrote new proc gen character dialogue variants.

-- made "generic" lines for greetings, greeting responses, and like dialogue far less likely to show up.

-- fixed: temporary, turn-level counters like "steps taken" weren't getting reset on characters at the end of battle, resulting in weird stuff like them appearing to have less Speed than normal when viewed in camp (or in the next battle's deployment window).

-- fixed: forward slashes would still cause errors if they appeared in the dialogue text of PersistentDialogue trees.

-- fixed: the game would sometimes try to match a character with themselves for a group activity in camp.

-- fixed a scripting error in the Mustebeast Tent event in which the game would lock if there were exactly 4 other characters the unit could bunk with.

-- fixed a UI snafu caused by Unity arbitrarily reordering layers in the victory box.


-- finally implemented click-and-drag camera panning in the game! Added mention of it to the combat tutorial bits that discuss moving the camera.

-- mousing over a character's class in the recruitment screen now pops up with a tooltip explaining what the class does.

-- when you hit End Turn in battle, the game now checks all characters under your control to see if there are any characters who have not moved, used an item, or used a skill, and who are neither Stunned nor Frozen; if it finds any characters who meet all of these conditions, it gives you a pop-up informing you that certain characters haven't acted and asking if you really want to end the turn. You can then back out or end the turn anyway; if you back out, the game will auto-select the next character in your army who can act.

-- sped up camera zoom-in and zoom-out in battle outside of combat.

-- replaced Wav files with Ogg files for all remaining musical tracks.

-- fixed: the track Glorious Combat was mixed too loudly.

-- fixed: some of the data in the Classes.xml file was matched to the wrong class name.