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New attacks for teammates

Started by KZ, February 05, 2010, 07:29:41 PM

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In Transfer, Luca's Psy Point transfer is 100% effective. With Boost, 50% goes to boosting max PsP. How much does the target's max PsP go up by with this new ability?


Methinks in its current state the Boost attack for Luca is a good one to add to her abilities- this way she can be of even greater help.
I like the fact that the PsP cost will increase accordingly and find the +5 factor a good starting point. This way it will not be overused, but then it could come in very handy if properly applied.

Let's hear it out folks, what say you on it? If enough agree, I'll make this idea formulated.
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Ert, the Dead Cow.
With 2 small Mandelbrot sets as the spots.


Agreed... I think. I'm still wondering how much the Target's max PsP goes up by. Is this "Amount Transferred"?


Currently tied with Zack for the title of Master of Light!


What about Ert's "Shield Crush"?

Quote from: Ertxiem on August 19, 2010, 06:35:35 AM
So, what about something in the lines of a Shield Crush. The caster creates a shield around his enemy, trapping him, and reduces his size, thereby crushing the enemy inside. Twisted! (And without the need of a new element - it's all about psy energy.)


Ok, Boost just got formulated!

"Shiled Crush" is an interesting attack, kindly see here for my suggestion on how to cirumvent the issue of interfering with enemy AI due to speed redutcion.
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Quote from: KZ on September 01, 2010, 11:10:25 AM
I suspect that, unfortunately, im2smart4u is right here, and although such an attack would be interesting to have, I think that it might be too complicated to make.
Though, how about this solution- instead of the enemy, a solid-state shield like object appears in the place, with the same hp as the enemy unit, and it is treated as an enemy for a turn. Not sure how complicated would that be to implement, but it will be able to get rid of the issue of messing up the enemy AI, as it doesn't require tinkering with the enemy speed (the issue I do see is the problem of transferring hp of the enemy to the "blob" that replaces the said enemy).
Craig says he can only create four summons spaces.  One would be the soild-state shield and the other three spaces would be reserved for the Wood-Folk's new  pets.


That doesn't mean he can't add in extra stuff. Plus if Gelf doesn't make the cut, it could be used in its place. Though, naturally, I'd rather see Gelf than this attack.

What of Griffin? Apart from us suggesting he have Whirlwind, should he have any extra attacks?
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Yep, that was thrown into the mix, back during the alpha stages, but Craig said back then that he might consider giving Fury to another teammate- the Spearman, if I remember rightly.
At least, even if Grffin doesn't get Fury, surely the Spearman could get it, in order to make him a more attractive and viable alternative as a "melee tank" to Grffin (the same balancing act as in TPA2, though there the Spearman was chosen over the Swordsman most of the time, judging by user comments).

What I do feel though, is that the Red Spriggat should definitely have more attacks than the ones a Red Spriggat has in TPA2 or the ones that Grotius used. (Yes, I see that Fire Gust got into formulated, but apart from that, are there any other, new, ideas, as Gust was around for ages?)
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Quote from: KZ on September 01, 2010, 01:43:40 PM
What I do feel though, is that the Red Spriggat should definitely have more attacks than the ones a Red Spriggat has in TPA2 or the ones that Grotius used. (Yes, I see that Fire Gust got into formulated, but apart from that, are there any other, new, ideas, as Gust was around for ages?)
I think Fire Breath 2 and Fire Gust would cover all necessary attacks for the Red Spriggats.  Any more attacks and the Spriggat would be over powered.


What about an Haste attack, that increases the Spriggat's speed by 1 (with cost equal to the current speed, as Flint had)?
Ert, the Dead Cow.
With 2 small Mandelbrot sets as the spots.