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TSoG testing crew(first post updated)

Started by Xemadus Echina, March 28, 2010, 02:56:28 PM

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There have been builds of TRPG games where the game crashed while running enemy AI, but I haven't released any of those in at least a year. :P


 :) I know how problematic they can be unless you have very few codes. I don't think that is possible for TSoG its a huge game.


Um the done button doesn't work I sometimes have to press the ? button to press done.


That glitched was, to the best of my knowledge through testing, fixed. Are you using the latest version?
Currently tied with Zack for the title of Master of Light!


I think so. Let me check. Ops I just remembered I kept both of them and didn't delete the old one.


Question, mostly for Craig/KZ, are there any specific areas that need to be tested right now?
Currently tied with Zack for the title of Master of Light!


Enemy AI is probably the area of biggest concern right now, bugs-wise.


Any specific units you want us to test?

Also, could you boradly indicate which units share more or less the same AI? (So we can reduce the amount of testing to some exemplars from different AIs?)

Also, are the offline and online versions currently sharing the same AI? Or would you rather see us test the offline version only?
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I'd rather test only one I have not seen a problem yet.


Mm, PinkPanzer, are you saying you have tested a unit already and you'd rather test one of one type, instead of all, or you're saying that you'd rather test one unit for one type of AI and see that there is nothing wrong with it?
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Yeah I mean all of us can be assigned one A.I. Since there are few of us we probably need 2-4.


Well, two or three AI each sounds quick, but as KZ said it would be infinately better for us to know who runs on the same AI package, so we would only have to test two or three AIs total.
Currently tied with Zack for the title of Master of Light!


Fine I guess its summer and I don't have to much to do well not nothing there is a lot. What a perfect time for it.


Is it too late to join? When I get back from exile I'd be happy to help. Is it?