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Together in Battle Dev Log

Started by CraigStern, February 06, 2020, 05:37:30 PM

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- fixed: a typo in the classes file was causing the game to skip promotions (among other possible issues).


- the save grandpa, strikebreaking, and second and third merchant event battles now all scale in difficulty with time passed so they still present an appropriate challenge if they happen later in the run.

- fixed: Shield skills that didn't affect health or impart a status effect wouldn't grant experience unless the target was missing health.

- fixed: OnTurn and BeforeTurn dialogue had stopped being repeatable.


For version 0.2.10:

- wrote the Chital 3 event.



- new event: Nightmare.

- new event: Late Night Idea.

- added a new argument type that can occur with Sensitive characters.


- began writing a new random event: Treasure Hunt.

- added weapon repair kits to the item sale random event.

- when Damage or Drain is affected by a SetStat action in a cut scene, the game now automatically looks for the character's portrait and--if it finds it--animates the character's health/energy bar.

- when the GiveExp action is used in a cut scene, the game now automatically looks for the character's portrait and--if it finds it--animates the character's experience bar.

- fixed chital portrait scaling.

- fixed a scripting error that was preventing characters from getting speech bubbles and babble during chital events.

- fixed: in some circumstances, the game would remove script actions queued after a Wait action in dialogue initiated via a LoadConv action.

- fixed: it was still possible to accidentally skip nighttime camp events by clicking the background at the exact wrong moment.


- fixed for 0.2.09a: a change to the AI in the last patch resulted in the AI triggering a null error when trying to swim out of water.

- fixed for 0.2.09a: if you reclassed a lissit to any of the main psy-user classes, it would change their character sprite to a human's and mess up their portrait.


- fixed: the game would spawn units with zero (or negative) health during the thief attack battle as if they were able to fight.

- fixed: custom difficulty dialogue still referred to manual saving as "save scum mode."


- created a battle to cap off the treasure map event.

- characters now lose the ability to use books of power upon promoting, preventing the player from wasting them.

- new script action: ConsumeFood. Automatically reduces current food by the current roster of characters's collective appetite without initiating camp activities. Food will not go below zero, nor will a hunger event be automatically triggered.

- campfire objects now lay flat.

- fixed: smoke from non-flat-lying objects (such as braziers and stoves) was no longer emitting at the correct angle.

- fixed: characters who were ordered to do something via a one-on-one could nonetheless be dragged into another character's partnered activity, precluding them from doing the thing they were ordered to do.

- fixed: I accidentally left the chance of small talk set to 100% after testing, thereby preventing most post-greeting character dialogue from spawning.

- fixed: the tooltip for the "view calendar" button in town had a typo.

- fixed: a LoadConv call to dialogue that either does not exist or which had been removed due to being already used and non-repeatable would lock up the game. The game now simply ends the current dialogue when this happens.


- designed the Tiger League Qualifier battle.

- when removing a character from the active roster by reference to their name or loadID, the game now automatically checks for duplicates and removes those as well if found. (For reasons not yet discovered, duplicates can sneak onto the roster; before this fix, they could cause characters to stick around even after being removed from the roster.)

- fixed: the last-used windowed/fullscreen setting was not being saved as part of game settings.


- created the procedural generation rules for Tiger League matches.

- the arena plotline is now playable all the way through to right before the championship match.

- enemy levels in arena fights now scale up 17% slower than before.


- fixed: a change to the AI in the last patch resulted in the AI freezing when, in large battles (>8 characters in the enemy army), the first character to move wandered into a trap or other pressure trigger.


- finished balancing the treasure map battle and added a little extra scripting.

- added new music track to the game: Drawing Blades.

- integrated a new version of the Festival of the Ascendant Lights track into the game featuring a traditional Indian vocalist.

- Dacoit Cutters and Dacoit Slashers now gain a melee counterattack upon reaching level 5.

- being defeated in any of the battles where thieves or bandits try to rob the player now results in the player losing half their aura.


- fixed: the game was missing data for straight street edge tiles where the street was elevated above surrounding terrain.

- fixed: the game wasn't replacing script IDs with the names of unique characters in script actions within battle when the relevant characters were not already saved from a previous scene.


Fixed some formatting issues with the new battles. Also:

- expanded the pool of possible enemy team names in the arena.

- sentinels, pikemen, and swordmasters are now more likely to be generated with more armor and/or shields.

- when proc gen maps are created with multiple hazard terrain types, the game will now select a hazard terrain type at random from those listed.

- fixed: the AI treated Levitating characters as if they had an ordinary, permanent move type of Flying for purposes of determining which spaces were safe to move them to (which could lead to situations like the AI moving Levitating characters over lava or chasms only for them to drop in at the start of the next turn).

- fixed: automatic inventory generation for generic proc gen enemies placed via the map editor was not working.