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Bug report: cannot use AoE attacks if the target square is awkward

Started by seedship, July 17, 2024, 03:50:27 PM

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I was playing the second qualifier match with the S shaped hills.

I had a bronze golem (G) like so standing on a tall hill, and wanted to attack the enemies (E) using Rinding strike (the one that softens). However, when I selected the ability, square W, which was water, wasn't an option. I'm guessing the height difference made the game think I couldn't hit a target on square W, but I wanted to sweep and hit the 2 enemies nearby.

|E|W| |
|E|G| |
| | | |

A similar bug is if you have a red spriggate (S) with fire breath 2, and you're tryna finish off an enemy (E) on the edge of a map, or an enemy on the side of a wall (W), like so. The enemy can be finished off with fire breath 2, but not fire breath. And you don't want to stand farther away because that puts you in range of other enemies.

| | |W|
| | |W|

| | |
| | |

Again, in both these situations, you cannot cast fire breath 2 off the map or on the wall, even though the target is not in front of either.


Hm; that's a tricky one. Melee attacks are not supposed to be targetable across an elevation difference greater than 1, so technically this is working as intended--but I do see how that produces unintended consequences with AOE skills. I'll have to meditate on what (if anything) to do about this!