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Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
Last post by CraigStern - Today at 03:34:08 PM
Changes for version 0.7.60:

- scheduled league matches now award the player extra money when they win; the further up the ranks the player rises in a given league, the more the prize increases (+45 aura per scheduled match won in Monkey League; +60 aura per scheduled match won in Gharial League; +75 aura per scheduled match won in Snow Leopard League; and +100 aura per scheduled match won in Tiger League.)
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
Last post by CraigStern - September 25, 2024, 09:55:18 AM
- fixed: certain response lines incorporating a character's specific laugh were getting the entire line replaced with just the laugh description.

- fixed: the campaign creation suite was not loading campaign-specific custom character classes upon loading up a campaign for editing.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
Last post by CraigStern - September 24, 2024, 07:32:29 PM
- wrote a new investigation scene with Malatose.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
Last post by CraigStern - September 23, 2024, 02:05:37 PM
- if the game detects a plural in the Relationship parameter for an NPC attribute special character in dialogue, and the Attribute Type is a special character pronoun, the game will now supply the appropriate they/them plural pronoun.

- fixed: a change in the last update broke the NPC attribute special character in dialogue, causing NPC pronouns in proc gen character dialogue (particularly background lines concerning family members) to simply not appear.

- fixed: the Trailing Malatose event could be triggered repeatedly.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
Last post by CraigStern - September 23, 2024, 01:27:28 PM
- cleaned up the interrogation of Wailling scene.

- fixed: if they hadn't been triggered beforehand, Ishita Svaamee's buyout offer events would remain in the random event hopper even after the championship.
Telepath Tactics Liberated (2022) / Re: Dev Log
Last post by CraigStern - September 22, 2024, 08:21:39 PM
For hotfix 1.0.60b:

- fixed: in rare circumstances, the game could still fail to display the counterattack sprite when displaying reasons why a character wants a piece of equipment.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
Last post by CraigStern - September 22, 2024, 10:41:37 AM
- wrote new nickname response lines for compulsive and empirical characters.

- wrote a new talk narration for narcissistic characters.

- fixed: as of the last Unity version update, objects assigned to a player army (e.g. the statute in Defend the Idol) were using a material containing the wrong render order, leading to them always appearing behind characters even when they should have appeared in front of them.

- fixed: in rare circumstances, the game could still fail to display the counterattack sprite when displaying reasons why a character wants a piece of equipment.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
Last post by CraigStern - September 21, 2024, 11:33:14 AM
- wrote new nickname response lines for imaginative, jokester, arrogant, serious, disciplined, sensitive, and vindictive characters,
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
Last post by CraigStern - September 20, 2024, 04:55:25 PM
- fixed: many day logs for investigatory visits to the palace were being cut off.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
Last post by CraigStern - September 19, 2024, 11:08:42 AM
- both proc gen and custom characters are now assigned a sad info response line when they are created.

- certain background lines now provoke a sad info response rather than the default info response. (If the respondent is a character from an older version who lacks the sad response variant, they'll just respond with a normal response line.)

- fixed: custom variables and other special characters within map objectives were not being processed during auto-displaying of objectives at the start of a battle.

- fixed: certain response lines incorporating a character's non-verbal tic where getting the entire line replaced with just the tic narration.

- fixed: when loading a previously created custom character in the custom character creator, the game was not loading tooltip data for the personality and physical trait pickers.

- fixed: tooltips for personality and physical attributes could appear below the portrait pickers in the character creation screen.