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The early access bug reporting thread

Started by CraigStern, February 18, 2013, 10:39:47 PM

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While make a page for Items on the wiki, I found a couple bugs with the ItemClasses notepads:
*There are two items named "Chain Mail".  One has "Armor Leather" as its image, while the other has "Armor Chain Mail" as an image.
*The "Partial Plate"'s image doesn't correspond to anything.  It names the image as "Armor Steel Plate B", while I guessing the proper image is named "Armor Light Plate".
*The "Whet Stone" lists its image as "Whet Stone", while the image in the Item Icon folder is named "Whetstone.png".


I was playing the alpha and I got the third mission in the first campaign (not Frozen Hearts or whatever it's called) where I get to select reinforcements for the first least the menu comes up but I have no actual reinforcements to pick so yeah...anyways, all the characters turn into item bags on the first turn. I picked the fire guy when given the option. Sorry this is a bad bug report but it's late and I'm getting tired.


Thanks guys; I'll look into this stuff.


Lord Mu

Bugs Encountered:
In the campaign Frozen Hearts, there is no response when the choice of weapon is made, turns do not end normally, and when the choice is made to leave camp, it turns into a loading screen that does not lead anywhere.

In the campaign Kovit, the assault on the fortress is very problematic. The assassin and the crossbow woman lack weapons and thus cannot attack anybody, leaving the whole scenario unbalanced.


QuoteIn the campaign Frozen Hearts, there is no response when the choice of weapon is made, turns do not end normally, and when the choice is made to leave camp, it turns into a loading screen that does not lead anywhere.
This is less of a bug, and more of an incomplete part of the campaign. It's not bugged, just not completed.

QuoteIn the campaign Kovit, the assault on the fortress is very problematic. The assassin and the crossbow woman lack weapons and thus cannot attack anybody, leaving the whole scenario unbalanced.
I would assume the same about this.


Bug found (just downloaded the installer) playing a random battle.

I had my caster (sorry; I forget which type, but you can see from the screenshot) use the 2-space elemental blast against an enemy soldier.  The soldier dodged the attack.  I checked their stats (showing in the screenshot) and they have 0% Dodge.

The unit with the arrow pointing at it is my unit that did the blast.  The soldier is circled.

Also, when their stats are displayed, it is not in any sort of window, but just on top of the normal background.  I don't know if this is on purpose or not.  (Makes it a little hard to see.)

Edit: happened again as a Cyroblast on a Skiakinetcist (sp).  The enemy, with 0 Dodge, dodged the attack.  I was not blinded either time.

Also, unrelated: later on in the fight, I attacked a frozen Lizardman, and it dodged.  Again, don't know if this is a bug or not, but it makes sense that frozen units cannot dodge attacks.


Another bug... well, sorta. 

In the third Kovit map (see screenshot), I destroyed one of the barrels, but there is no way to get to the item bag that popped after destroying it.  Should it be possible to grab it from the stairs above it or to walk up to it?

In the screenshot, I'm trying to get Grant to reach it, but I also tried moving the soldier (Sabrina), and she cannot move forward to step on the item bag.

Even if not a bug per se, it's an annoying design to have an item be unreachable on a map, so something to consider changing or for future maps.

Tangent: is it bad protocol to post a second thread with another bug?  Let me know if I should have just edited the above post.

Edit: at the end of the mission, Emma and Sabrina lost the ability to use Pull and Shove after a few uses.  For one, I did one Shove then couldn't do anything other actions (could still move, but Pull and Shove were removed from their options).  For the other, I did several Pulls, then it vanished.   I don't remember if the last thing I tried was a Shove or not.
Also, the game then froze on a Loading screen.  Screenshot attached.  I was in partial view (Ctrl + F) and moving the screen around, so maybe that did something?

Hitting F1 did nothing, so I Xed out of the program.  When I restarted Telepath Tactics and choose to Load Campaign, the music stayed unchanged (stayed the music that comes up when you start TT) and a similar frozen loading screen came up.  I had it in full screen, so I hit Ctrl + F to go to non-full screen and Xed out of the program.

Lord Mu

Whenever I try to run the installer to update it, the following message appears: This application cannot be installed because this installer has been misconfigured.


Not sure if this counts as a bug or not, but I notice the Lizardmen I fight never use their status-affliction powers.  They just their basic attack.  (Or maybe they used it sometimes and I forgot, but in the last few battles I've fought, I haven't seen it and there's no real tactical reason not to besides saving energy... which they don't have another use for.)  Similarly, the Assassins do not use Leap to reach/backstab their enemies.  (I haven't been in a situation where they would need to Leap to simply reach an enemy, such as jumping over an obstacle, so I don't know if they'd use it in that case.)

Another thing I noticed was that the enemy AI seems to factor its own people into determing where to move.  Generally, this works okay, but in the Kovit campaign battle at the town (third battle), the enemies in the far north of the map starting moving towards me, but once the first ones blocked the fastest route to my team, the others started going sideways.  They would reach me faster if they followed their allies, instead of counting them as obstacles.
(Of course, in other situations, such as if those allies were in melee and thus precluded those units from reaching me, it would make sense to move around and flank me...  I can see how programming that AI is probably rather difficult.)

So, not really bugs, but comments on the AI.


JeenLeen: those dodges happened because the attacker was standing on Ice; Ice tiles lower an attacker's accuracy by 20 points. Not a bug. :)

Quote from: JeenLeen on August 31, 2013, 08:02:22 PMEdit: at the end of the mission, Emma and Sabrina lost the ability to use Pull and Shove after a few uses.

When you say "at the end," do you mean this happened during the loot collection mode?

Quote from: Lord Mu on September 01, 2013, 11:29:17 AM
Whenever I try to run the installer to update it, the following message appears: This application cannot be installed because this installer has been misconfigured.

Uninstall the game, then try installing again. That should fix it.


Quote from: CraigStern on September 04, 2013, 09:24:33 AM
JeenLeen: those dodges happened because the attacker was standing on Ice; Ice tiles lower an attacker's accuracy by 20 points. Not a bug. :)

Quote from: JeenLeen on August 31, 2013, 08:02:22 PMEdit: at the end of the mission, Emma and Sabrina lost the ability to use Pull and Shove after a few uses.

When you say "at the end," do you mean this happened during the loot collection mode?

Ah; did not know ice did that.  That explains it  :)

Yes, I mean during the loot collection mode.  I forget exactly what I did, but one of them was only able to use it once (I think a Shove), while the other could Pull a few times.  I'm pretty sure I never used Shove with the other one, only used Pull, but maybe I misclicked and hit Shove by mistake.  It seems odd that I could Pull a few times, but then it goes away.
While I'm typing and thinking, if you can pull an item bag (I haven't tried), that would allow one to get that item bag that was stuck under the stairs.


Version 0.455.361

On a random battle on Donut Tower, I used Kinetic Gust to blow an enemy lizardman off the tower.  When it came to the Lizardman's turn (i.e., turning enemy AI turn, the map centered on the lizardman), the game froze.  Hitting F1+Resume didn't help, but eventually (maybe because of hitting it again; not sure) I got control of the enemy Skiakineticist (sp).  Trying to hit the Action button did nothing, but after I moved him, the enemy AI took over.  (Interestingly, the enemy unit moved towards my team.  It wasn't close enough to attack me, though, so I don't know if it would have or not.)

On the next enemy turn, the Lizardman was the last enemy unit to go, so I couldn't get it to go to my turn like before (by moving another unit, I guess).  I hit F1 + Surrender, and Team 2 (enemy AI) surrendered, making my team the winner.

Have other folk run into bugs like this?  I hope it's not something just with my machine, but I haven't seen anyone else post a similar bug.  Also, I know some I've posted have been variations of the same thing, so I hope it's not redundant or annoying; they seem different aspects or slightly different versions.  (Like this compared to the enemy AI freezing up after using items, in the past.)

Screenshot: enemy Skiakinetcist is being controlled by me, and I'm trying to hit the Actions.  You can see the lizardman the game glitched on in the lower-left.


Thanks for the report--that's fixed for whenever I update the build (most likely sometime tomorrow).


Hello there. I'm running version 0.455.362 and noticed a couple of things that didn't pop up in the public alpha demo. First off, in the final battle of the Kovit campaign (when you're retaking the weapons depot), there are no longer splash effects when my engineer is building his bridge across the water. I remember there being a little splash animation in the demo whenever Bartleby set down a new segment of bridge, which I thought was a nice touch. The only other thing I've observed so far is that in the same mission, if you choose Siripent for a mercenary, he doesn't have any attacks besides shove. I thought it might be because he didn't have a weapon equipped, but I *think* I checked his inventory and saw that he had a mace in his weapon hand. (This was also several days ago and now I'm playing the mission over with the golem mercenary instead, so I'm afraid I can't verify that right now.)

Also, this may not be so much a bug and it certainly hasn't affected my gameplay, but is Lakshmi supposed to have two crossbows? Because she does in my game.

That's it for now. I'll probably download the latest version later this month, and if I run across anything else as I play, I'll let you know!