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Save Game overwriting issue in 1.038

Started by kevin, June 30, 2015, 04:05:56 PM

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I had hoped that this newest update would have fixed this, but apparently not.  I restarted today, and got to the Rescue Meridian fight, only to discover that Zimmer is starting at level 9, rather than level 3 or whatever he should be.  And yes, this game is saved over a previously used saved game.  Screenshot and logs attached.


Thanks for the report! I'll get right on this.


Hey! So, I started a new game and overwrote an existing game with a high-level Zimmer, then played up to this point. I could not get the game to produce Zimmer at an inappropriate level. And unfortunately, the log didn't quite capture the code I needed. Do you think you could post your saved game file?