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New attacks for teammates

Started by KZ, February 05, 2010, 07:29:41 PM

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Sorry about all the bad ideas, but that's how natural selection works, and hopefully one of mine will eventually get into the game, and if not, the process will have prevented my bad ideas from getting into the game.


C'mon, Duckling - at least you're trying ;)
And it's good to see different suggestions.

Now, let's be logical about who needs extra attacks and who doesn't. Let's assume part, if not most, of the formulated ideas get into the game.
Thus, who do you find is lacking in attacks and for what reason?

Let's have a look at all the teammates in general:
-what abilities/traits are they lacking, have an imbalance of (e.g. speed, flying)?
-how about the elements, are they well balanced?
-do we have enough of different classes on the team, can the team go both offensive and defensive?
-do we have enough powerful 1 tile attacks?
-do we have enough area attacks?
-do we have enough special abilities?
-any of the teammates seem too weak/strong? What about during different stages of the game (let's attempt to extrapolate here)?
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Don't worry about it, Duckling. And they're not that bad ideas.
And the bad ideas may evolve to become good ideas.
For instance, the left and right slash for Griffin evolved to the praying mantis and Griffin got whirlwind instead.
Ert, the Dead Cow.
With 2 small Mandelbrot sets as the spots.


Distraction- By using extremely showy Psi Powers, Luca has learned to distract all enemies within a certain range. This stuns them for one turn. This uses much power however.


Again, this attack messes with enemy AI- it forces them not to move or act during a turn- we had suggestions like that before, and we still haven't heard back from Craig about possibilities into tinkering with the enemy AI. Thus nay.

Maybe, for those who have played, we can get some inspiration from TPA2? What did you find was lacking there for teammates of different classes?
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Alright. Say it lowers the defence of the enemies in a certain range?


How would she do that?
So you suggest a decrease in the Psy Defense?

Ok, here's an idea: why not give Luca an attack which lowers the max hp of the target (a bit like Zem the Reaper's attack)- effectively a variation on her Soul Suck, except it isn't fatal.
Luca figures out how to drain/dissipate energy from her victims, making them physically weaker.
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I like it. I was originally thinking that it would lull them into a false sends of security slightly.


So, "Energy Drain" gets a yay from you? :)

Let's put some stats on it- say it costs 6 PsP to lower enemy hp by 12 initially. Say, with each 2 new experience levels she adds on extra hp to lower.
(Formula like: Psy Attack level+attack experience/2 . If learned at, say, Psy Attack 12, then it's pretty simple. Though I am not really into damage formulas myself.)
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I like the formula. It would give her more reason to be somewhere other than at the Hero's side for PsP boosts. What range would energy drain have? I havn't ever fought Zem the Reaper.

The Holy namelesskitty

What about shadow knife, can anyone think of somethind to make it better it is definetally one of my best Ideas.
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


Mmm, the range on "energy drain" can be 2- like soul suck, but more subtle that (like smashing a pumpkin versus carving out eyes and a mouth).

kitty- what do you think of "energy drain" (I already voted on shadwo knife, so can't say much more, I'm afraid)?
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I vote yay for the drain, but I wouldn't call it energy drain (I associate energy to PsP). It might be useful in battles against enemy teams with an healer. Perhaps health drain is better (although not too much imaginative).

Nay for the distraction. On top of what KZ said, it seems too powerful.

Are you talking about the stealth knife? It's not a bad idea, but I think it should be improved... but I don't know exactly why... sorry.
Ert, the Dead Cow.
With 2 small Mandelbrot sets as the spots.

The Holy namelesskitty

Yay on energy drain, same reason.

It leaves something to be desires, I would like to find out what, because I don't know.
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :