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Started by CraigStern, February 07, 2010, 11:01:17 AM

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I have been, and the map hasn't been loading. I'm not sure if it's the lack of units or something wrong with the dialogue.


Most likely, it's that the map needs units.


Is it possible to change a character's movement type with an action? For example, give a character flight for a battle. I'm looking through the modding section of the manual, and it seems you can change every stat except that.



If you had dialog set to occur on turn 0 set in PersistentDialog.xml, and then set dialog to occur on turn 0 in a specific battle, which would take precedence? Would PersistentDialog.xml happen first, then the battle specific dialog? Or would it be inverted? (I'm really hoping the battle specific Dialog would take precedence.)

On another note, is there currently any dialog trigger that can detect when a specific character ends their turn on a specified space?


Quote from: bugfartboy on May 09, 2013, 10:44:36 AM
If you had dialog set to occur on turn 0 set in PersistentDialog.xml

I cannot imagine why you would ever want to do that. That dialog would appear at the start of every single battle in the game!

Quote from: bugfartboy on May 09, 2013, 10:44:36 AM
On another note, is there currently any dialog trigger that can detect when a specific character ends their turn on a specified space?

Yes: OnReachingSpace. I think I might've forgotten to post about it, and I'm pretty sure that that's because I haven't tested it to make sure it's 100% working yet, so gimme a couple of days on that one.


It's more of a "Make sure the player's team starts with full health by multiplying their drain by -100 at the start of every battle, then end the dialog" than actual dialog. I was curious if it would conflict with any actual dialog I inserted into the map itself.


I'm not sure. Why not give it a try? :)


They play fair, and it seems the map specific OnTurn/0/ comes into play before the PersistentDialog does. I may have spoken too soon... Hmm...

Will we be seeing a special sub-thread for user-generated content in the Telepath Tactics Thread?

P.S. I keep striking things above out, partially because it seems that sometimes I get the dialog correct, and they play fair until I change something without knowing and they stop liking each other.


Quote from: bugfartboy on May 09, 2013, 09:08:24 PM
Will we be seeing a special sub-thread for user-generated content in the Telepath Tactics Thread?

We couuuuuuld do that, but I'm currently investigating the possibility of getting a proper website to host it instead of having some ramshackle forum thing. I'll be posting when I know. ;)


Is it possible I could get an action that I could use to load a map, just to set a few variables, and redirect to another map instantly? It seems that the only way I can send the player to another map is by either
(A)Having them win the map without any opponents, which seems rather unprofessional
(B)Having them "reply" to a dialog box that just says "Just setting up some variables... Don't mind me!", which seems just as unprofessional


Sure; I'll make a new dialog action called JumpToScene.


Thanks! :) :3

I ask because I want to set a few different variables at the very beginning of the campaign, and can't find anywhere I can put them where they won't be reset anytime I reload a central map.


Okay; it's in. I decided to name it NewScene to keep things consistent with the terminology used in the replies.



Are the installers updated with all the changes you've made?

Side Note:

In the manual, under Types of Actions, you're counting [1,2,3,2,3,4,...]