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Started by CraigStern, December 15, 2021, 10:08:42 AM

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- fixed a few scripting errors in randomizer versions of campaign maps.


- added a new, super-secret recruitable character to the game. :)

- added MoveCam scripting to the door and switch tutorial in Rescuing Meridian.

- fixed: Emma and Sabrina were not appearing on the map in the cut scene after the Adelbrae fight.

- fixed: regular enemies were attacking the treasure chest in Battle with Gunther. Moved up the appearance of the thief by 2 rounds to compensate for removing this bit of pressure; added a second chest to serve as an optional objective that makes the fight harder.

- fixed: materials for proc gen weapons and armor were broken by changes necessary for localization support.


- objective reticles are now placed around all of the fruit trees on the first turn of Out of Food Battle.


- fixed: the flashback cut scenes had ceased to advance to the next frame upon ending cut scene dialogue due to changes made to fix unintended behaviors in Together in Battle.

- updated randomizer versions of maps with the fixes above.


- added an "Unlocked!" pop-up message to the steel door when pulling the lever in the Coria Dogs Ground Floor battle.


- removed the turn 24 and 28 reinforcements from the Battle with Ebon Raban when playing on difficulties below Veteran.


- boosted Umber Gnawbone's Psy by 6 and Energy by 36 when playing on Veteran difficulty or above.


- fixed: the Randomizer campaign would not progress after Adelbrae battle.

- fixed: the Protector's Manual was no longer functioning properly in the Randomizer campaign.


- fixed: Lakshmi's sprites were using the wrong color for the brightest secondary highlights, resulting in the top of her shoulder on their non-crossbow-holding arm appearing red even when though her secondary army colors did not include red.


- fixed: the Coria Bridge Battle objectives mention keeping the camp from being destroyed even though it does not appear in that battle.


- fixed: the Coria Bridge Battle had text stating the victory condition which is now duplicative due to auto-displaying of battle objectives.


- fixed: if randomizer mode unlocked while controlling the game in gamepad mode, the unlock message wouldn't gain focus.


- fixed: the player could get assigned the wrong roster during a randomizer playthrough, resulting in them having no characters on the battlefield during the caravan battle prelude scene and getting stuck in a "defeat" loop.


- for randomizer playthroughs, replaced the convex shield in Fera's room with a more universally applicable set of leather armor--and replaced the knife in the basement rubble with a convex shield.

- for randomizer playthroughs, reduced the mental resistance of the bandit fortress basement guard by 20 to help ensure that no softlock situations can occur if Emma is a psy user.

- fixed: during randomizer playthroughs, Silithis's companions were appearing as part of the wrong army during the cutscene where she reaches Adelbrae.

- fixed: the bridge-building kit item was missing from the randomizer campaign.


- updated the "enemy range" tutorial in the caravan battle with instructions for how to check all enemy ranges at once.