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The early access bug reporting thread

Started by CraigStern, February 18, 2013, 10:39:47 PM

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The KillCharAt action in the manual is numbered 2, between 39 and 40.



The manual doesn't list the portrait property under Characters and Destructable Objects.

When creating a character with an attack, the spawned character doesn't have it's name listed on the details panel.


Thanks! I've updated the documentation on portrait, sex and spritetype.

Can you elaborate about the second bug--maybe with a screenshot?


Relevant lines of xml:

<Atk elem="Create" name="Manifest Brutus" d="0" cst="0" minRng="1" maxRng="5" shkMag="0" shkTim="0" strD="0" powD="0" defD="0" backstabFactor="1" sidestabFactor="1" selfHealFactor="0" selfFocusFactor="0" accMod="0" statFX="None" affects="None" afterAtk="EndTurn" AOE="single" particles="Terrain" targeting="free" moveType="CharPlacement" knockback="0" creates="Brutus/" createdOnTeam="MyTeam" dependsUpon="Draw Strength" impactFrame="-15" soundAndFX="SFX[Finger Snap:0],SFX[Punch Stone Golem:0],VFX[EarthBreak1:OnCenter:0],VFX[EarthBreak2:OnCenter:30],VFX[EarthBreak3:OnCenter:60],VFX[EarthBreak4:OnCenter:90]" desc="Command The Thing Brutus to manifest"></Atk>

<Char charname="Brutus/" spritetype="StoneGolem" portrait="" race="Golem" sex="None" classname="The Thing" move="land" hurtParticle="Stone" shadowType="Small" shadowY="32" charY="16" lighting="" ctr="None" onDeath="None" defaultAtkAnim="Smash" atk1="Bite" atk2="" atk3="" atk4="" atk5="" atk6="" atk7="" atk8="" hp="75" en="10" spd="3" ctrLimit="0" dodge="0" str="25" per="3" psyP="0" psyD="0" prcRes="90" slshRes="90" crshRes="50" mnRes="100" htRes="30" cdRes="10" ltRes="75" shRes="75" poiRes="100" acc="100" lvl="30" exp="0" pushable="false" tags=""></Char>

I did check a few things. The created unit gets the correct attacks (In this case "Bite". I'm working on something and Brutus there will have a different texture at some point.) added to it, but the name seems to be the only thing that doesn't load.

This is something I noticed quite a while ago when I was playing around with the free demo (I had fun trying to figure stuff out without any documentation.) over a year ago. I had kind of forgotten it until I started playing around with attacks designed to create characters again.


Okay, I think I've figured that bug out!

I believe the code was written before I'd finalized the way that characters are loaded by name. It was attempting to generate random names for every character by class regardless of whether one used a unique name for the creates attribute or not. Because the "class" supplied was a name and not a class in these instances, the game was failing to find the necessary data to generate name and gender, thereby leaving the character nameless.

This ought to be fixed in the next build. ;)


i got this error when trying to update telepath tactics.

The application cannot be installed due to a certificate problem.  The certificate does not match the installed application certificate, does not support application upgrades, or is invalid.  Please contact the application author.


Yes--unfortunately, the publication certificate expired, which means that it won't let me update installs from the old certificate anymore.

Really, all this means is that you have to uninstall the game, delete the install folder, and then install it fresh with the new installer instead of merely replacing the existing install.

You'll only have to do this once, thankfully--at that point, you'll have the version with the new certificate installed, and you can go back to downloading and replacing, as per usual. (Also, your saved game data should be safe!)



The ModDmgForAttack Tag doesn't seem to want to cooperate.  What I'm trying to use:

  <Dialog branch="0">
    OnLoad/0/Speaker Name/Setting stats for Gaze
    <Action>AddTag/Test Subject,ModDmgForAttack,+:-STAT:Test Subject,Perception-:Gaze</Action>

However I have tried switching out "-STAT:Test Subject,Perception-" out with a simple "9".

  <Dialog branch="0">
    OnLoad/0/Speaker Name/Setting stats for Gaze
    <Action>AddTag/Test Subject,ModDmgForAttack,+:9:Gaze</Action>

This doesn't seem to work either.  It's entirely possible that I'm doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what it would be.
I also tried the top variant with the OnTurn/0 dialog trigger as well.

  <Dialog branch="0">
    OnTurn/0/Speaker Name/Setting stats for Gaze
    <Action>AddTag/Test Subject,ModDmgForAttack,+:9:Gaze</Action>

EDIT: I just attempted to place the ModDmgForAttack tag in the Character entry in the CharClasses.xml file itself, to no avail.

<Char charname="Test/Subject" spritetype="Photokineticist_F" portrait="Photokineticist_F" race="Human" sex="Female" classname="Photokineticist" move="flying" hurtParticle="Sparks" shadowType="Small" shadowY="32" charY="16" lighting="" ctr="None" onDeath="None" defaultAtkAnim="Cast" atk1="Blink" atk2="Gaze" atk3="Summon Llama" atk4="" atk5="" atk6="" atk7="" atk8="" hp="50" en="40" spd="5" ctrLimit="0" dodge="0" str="20" per="9" psyP="20" psyD="20" prcRes="0" slshRes="0" crshRes="0" mnRes="0" htRes="0" cdRes="0" shRes="0" ltRes="0" poiRes="0" acc="100" lvl="10" exp="0" pushable="true" tags="ModRngForAttack,=:-STAT:Test Subject,Perception-:Gaze/ModDmgForAttack,=:-STAT:Test Subject,Perception-:Gaze"></Char>

Because I realize that -STAT:- only works in dialog, I did try it with numbers in it's place.  In this case I replaced all -STAT:- calls with "9".  The range modifier now works, but the damage modifier still does not.

<Char charname="Test/Subject" spritetype="Photokineticist_F" portrait="Photokineticist_F" race="Human" sex="Female" classname="Photokineticist" move="flying" hurtParticle="Sparks" shadowType="Small" shadowY="32" charY="16" lighting="" ctr="None" onDeath="None" defaultAtkAnim="Cast" atk1="Blink" atk2="Gaze" atk3="Summon Llama" atk4="" atk5="" atk6="" atk7="" atk8="" hp="50" en="40" spd="5" ctrLimit="0" dodge="0" str="20" per="9" psyP="20" psyD="20" prcRes="0" slshRes="0" crshRes="0" mnRes="0" htRes="0" cdRes="0" shRes="0" ltRes="0" poiRes="0" acc="100" lvl="10" exp="0" pushable="true" tags="ModRngForAttack,=:9:Gaze/ModDmgForAttack,=:9:Gaze"></Char>

When you hover over a target that is right in front of you, it does indicate that it should do 9 points of damage to health.  When you launch the attack, however, it does 0 points.
This is the attack entry used accross all of the above tests:

<Atk elem="Mental" name="Gaze" d="0" cst="1" minRng="1" maxRng="1" shkMag="0" skhTim="0" strD="0" powD="0" defD="0" backstabFactor="0" sidestabFactor="0" selfHealFactor="0" selfFocusFactor="0" accMod="0" statFX="None" affects="Health" afterAtk="EndTurn" AOE="single" particles="Sparks" targeting="free" moveType="Normal" knockback="0" creates="" createdOnTeam="" dependsUpon="" impactFrame="-9" soundAndFX="SFX[Charge Up:0],SFX[Mind Blast:8],VFX[MentalEffect:OnTargets:12]" desc="Psych out your enemy"></Atk>

The Actions box in any particular dialog branch in the Map Editor doesn't allow enough characters to fit "AssignSpeakerAtCoords".


Thanks for the report! I just updated the map editor with larger character limits in the actions bar; I'll look into the other stuff.


I just tested ModDmgForAttack and it works fine in practice--the only thing is that it doesn't change the "base damage" displayed when you mouse over the attack's button in the Actions window. I'll fix that. ;)


Quote from: CraigStern on October 12, 2014, 10:11:23 PM
I just tested ModDmgForAttack and it works fine in practice--the only thing is that it doesn't change the "base damage" displayed when you mouse over the attack's button in the Actions window. I'll fix that. ;)
Hmm.  When I was using it it wasn't actually doing anything.  It was displaying how much it would do, but pop up -0 when it actually hit.


Are you sure it's not just counteracting the "negative damage" bug from before? I've just uploaded a new build that fixes the negative damage bug and displays the ModDmgForAttack bonus in the Actions window; I'd update and give that a try.


I just updated and tested it.  The attack reticle displays "-9" but the attack still does 0.  I'm currently adding the tags directly in CharClasses.xml.


The Character/Object editor in the Map Editor doesn't allow + or = in the Tags field.