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King of the hill

Started by Mopman, February 04, 2010, 02:43:06 PM

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I nuke the hill again, this time smaahing every single improbability sphere I see, and then send a bunch of Krogan mercs to go and finish the job by smashing all in the universe. I then send back another ton of my super aliens still under the same circumstances to go and hold the hill. MY HILL.
Yeah, I'm a snowman. Got a problem with that?

Xemadus Echina

improbability spheres are distortions in space and time. therefore they can't be smashed, only canceled by the original creator. also nobody has succesfully brought the hill out of MY UNIVERSE so your "army" has lost the strong and weak nuclear forces holding their atoms together. yet again, my universe, my rules, MY HILL.
im writing a book!;topicseen
heres a free verse poem I wrote for school
You never know
Just what you will find after you
Lost your favorite thing. But
The important thing is that the
Game you play will help you to get by.


You forgot to cancel my radaition. You live on the hill for a good, oh say five seconds before the β+ rays eat away at your skin like acid and destroy your entire body. I throw you remains onto the sun, have a talented psy make your ghost forget its name and move away from you own universe, passing the ownership onto me. I will not be persuaded out of it. I then send my elite aliens back to the hill to hold. MY HILL.
Yeah, I'm a snowman. Got a problem with that?

Xemadus Echina

like i said before, harmful radiation is promptly turned into chocolate sprinkles to to the improbability spheres. also it is impossible to move out of my dimension due to the only key out being my untouched life force. MY HILL
im writing a book!;topicseen
heres a free verse poem I wrote for school
You never know
Just what you will find after you
Lost your favorite thing. But
The important thing is that the
Game you play will help you to get by.


I warp time and space so that all of your improbability orbs are no more, and then create my own universe wher radiation kills everything that iisn't immune to it. I am immune to it. My aliens are with me. So is the hill. I send my aliens to the top of the hill, and create my own improbability orbs to counter yours if they ever come again.
Yeah, I'm a snowman. Got a problem with that?

Xemadus Echina

improbability spheres in themselves are warps in time and space. just with  more exotic effects(affects?)  your stated actions are therefor null and void. MY HILL
im writing a book!;topicseen
heres a free verse poem I wrote for school
You never know
Just what you will find after you
Lost your favorite thing. But
The important thing is that the
Game you play will help you to get by.


I warped space and time to remake the improbability orb counters, so they really were destroyed. MY HILL.
Yeah, I'm a snowman. Got a problem with that?


Pa-pa-pa-pa-pam! Here I come with a nice little heater and melt thee, Frosty, 'till you no longer be. I then take up your place and claim the hill in my name.
My hill.

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Xemadus Echina

as i previously mentioned, improbability spheres are warps in time and space.  only i, their creator, can remove them (im drawing from a mysterious power which must be correctly named and harnessed to use.  you may be able to discover what it is by reading through my story)
im writing a book!;topicseen
heres a free verse poem I wrote for school
You never know
Just what you will find after you
Lost your favorite thing. But
The important thing is that the
Game you play will help you to get by.


Some happy kids decide to remake me from sctratch, and then I take a time machine to before the improbability orbs were made, and then kill rainen before he can even make them. I then procede to the cycle, nuke the hill, send the aliens. MY HILL.
Yeah, I'm a snowman. Got a problem with that?

Xemadus Echina

my powers prevent me from interacting with your dimension. i never die so the course of time goes unchanged. MY HILL
(i can go on forever with this lol. its inherently fool proof unless you know what creates my powers.
im writing a book!;topicseen
heres a free verse poem I wrote for school
You never know
Just what you will find after you
Lost your favorite thing. But
The important thing is that the
Game you play will help you to get by.


I get Thomas Convenant to use the white gold to reach through the arch of time and destroy your dimension, then create another hill in a seperate dimension and seal it forever.

M Y  H I L L

Xemadus Echina

My improbability spheres prevent outsiders to pass through time. Thus your actions are prevented. MY HILL
im writing a book!;topicseen
heres a free verse poem I wrote for school
You never know
Just what you will find after you
Lost your favorite thing. But
The important thing is that the
Game you play will help you to get by.


I consider the logic of improbability spheres carefully, form reasonable arguments and have a serious talk with god. He agrees with me and consequently removes them, leaving you defenceless  :-*.I then use the white gold combined with Belgarath, Belgarion, Beldin, Beltira and Belkira along with the grolims and the eight gods (Belar, Issa, Torak, Aldur, Nedra, UL, Mara and Chaldan). I then use them to chop you into quarters, place a quarter in a secluded monastary, another into the sea, the third somewhere throughout The Land, and the final quarter I have placed inside a sealed dimension that can never be opened, at the center of a tiny planet with a superheated core, inside an unopenable invincible chest (Sealed with unbreakable, invincible chains, and bound with Sorcery, with an anti spirit enchantment on it) with a curse laid on you, you will be in eternal pain, be unable to die or rest, and unable to possess the hill, until someone else or your spirit can reunite all four quarters of your body with your spirit.

I then claim the hill, setting all the forces I mentioned to guarding it.

Xemadus Echina

God can't manipulate the energies used to create the improbability spheres because they come from a different universe which I, and not he, is the guardian of.  There for he has no powers over them (or anything when he is in MY universe)  therefor all the actions you described are prevented by the stasis lock that my universe creates when it's guardian (me) is in danger.  With your "forces" frozen in time (and no way to retrieve them due to my improbability spheres) i eliminate the strong and weak nuclear forces holding their atoms together thus removing them from existence.  My hill until you manage to figure out what the energies in my universe are as well as a way of controlling them
im writing a book!;topicseen
heres a free verse poem I wrote for school
You never know
Just what you will find after you
Lost your favorite thing. But
The important thing is that the
Game you play will help you to get by.