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Together in Battle Dev Log

Started by CraigStern, February 06, 2020, 05:37:30 PM

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- the game now tracks total damage dodged and total damage blocked by units in combat.

- new post-battle MVP award type: Most Damage Dodged or Blocked.


- fixed: because the Kill-All Victory condition was turned off for army 0 in Attack the Idol matches, destroying the idol would not actually cause the player to win after it resulted in army 1 being wiped out.


- the game now auto-updates glow values for characters from older versions.

- fixed: shops in the cutscene editor had broken, throwing a null error when displayed.


- the game now tracks collision damage and falling damage dealt to enemies in combat.

- new post-battle MVP award type: Most Impact Damage to Enemies.


After a week away on my honeymoon, I'm back in Chicago with my Together in Battle to-do list in hand!

- fixed: defeating all enemies on the first floor of a cavern would send the player back to camp instead of down to the second floor.

- fixed: receiving a psy clash deck from Rohit during the Festival of the Ascendant Lights would cause the game to overwrite whatever assorted psy clash cards the player may have accumulated up to that point.

- fixed: when using gamepad controls, after moving a character with a healing skill, the game would not auto-select a Shield skill for use on a damaged ally in range unless the ally belonged to a different army.

- fixed: when using gamepad controls, after exiting the game settings menu in a cutscene, the game would inappropriately return gamepad focus to the underlying scene rather than the main options menu (which remained open onscreen).

- fixed: one of the greeting line variants for Imaginative characters was missing a period.


- added scripting to mark objectives reached for characters who take down an enemy idol or inspirational leader in the arena, or who recruit their sibling there.

- added scripting to mark objectives reached for characters who achieve certain objectives in the monkey league qualifier, battle in the dissidents' den, blacksmith rescue fight, golem attack, revenge quest battle, and battle in the northern stepwell.

- during the blacksmith rescue mission, there is now alternative dialogue for Dhatuu Dil if you speak to him with a golem or a spirit.

- new script action: ReplaceInList. Systematically goes through a custom list and, upon finding a particular entry value, replaces it with a different value. Three parameters: List Name, Entry Value, and New Value. Optional fourth parameter: Allow "Contains" Matches. (If this last parameter is set to true, the game will count any value containing the Entry Value as a match.)

- fixed: during the Stat Advice camp event, if one of the stat possibilities was Counter Limit, the game would fail to display the correct icon alongside it.

- fixed: when reporting to Manbir Raksha following the attack on the royal guard informant, if the informant was not saved, certain dialogue replies led to the wrong part of the dialogue tree, causing the conversation to proceed as though the player was speaking to Prince Ajit.

- fixed: if, during a Psy Clash match, you had multiple minions with free-targeting (e.g. bowmen or crossbowmen) in play and the opponent ran out of minions for you to target in the middle of free-targeting, the game would softlock.

- fixed: if, during a Psy Clash match, the AI opponent had multiple minions with free-targeting (e.g. bowmen or crossbowmen) in play and you ran out of minions for them to target in the middle of free-targeting, the game would freeze.

- fixed: when using gamepad controls, the B button would behave like the A button during dialogue even in contexts where this made no sense.

- fixed: when using gamepad controls and selecting from a list of units in dialogue, if the dialogue tree returned to the list of units, the tooltip for the last selected character would still be showing onscreen.

- fixed: when hiring out characters, the game would show a message about right-clicking characters to see their stats in detail even if the player was playing with a gamepad.

- fixed: in proc gen battles where the player's characters auto-deploy and the final character in the roster had a wound level greater than 1, the game could throw an out-of-range error when queuing up the characters to spawn.

- fixed: the file containing the data for the Poison Needles skill had gone missing from the game.

- fixed: during the free-roaming bits of cavern exploration, the introductory text had ceased to coexist peacefully with the free-roaming tutorial text.


- fixed: when playing on Steamdeck, the gamepad cursor was not aligned correctly for the day cells in the calendar screen.

- fixed: when playing on Steamdeck, the gamepad cursor was not aligned quite right on item options buttons (Use, Give, Drop, Cancel, etc.)


- when using gamepad controls, after moving a character with a knockback skill, if there is not a direct-damage skill available, the game now auto-selects the knockback skill for use on an enemy who can currently be damaged by being knocked into an object or character, off of elevation, or into an environmental hazard. (This makes it much easier and more enjoyable to field kineticists when playing with gamepad controls.)

- when using gamepad controls, the gamepad cursor now properly disappears from the screen when transitioning to a new scene.

- fixed: the Together in Battle demo was not defaulting to gamepad controls on Steamdeck as intended.

- fixed: when using gamepad controls during recruitment, the little portrait frame had ceased to appear on the current selected character.


- made some fixes to the formatting of text in post-victory MVP boxes.

- fixed: the icons for food and aura would sometimes fail to appear in the info bar, particularly when playing on Steamdeck.

- fixed: when playing on Steamdeck, the gamepad cursor was not aligned correctly to the item buttons in the character inventory inspection window in the reserve supplies screen.

- fixed: during the interrogation with Malatose about Dayaan, it was possible to navigate the dialogue tree's branches in such an order that you could end up in a spot with no available replies, forcing the scene to end prematurely.

- fixed: in the blacksmith, attempting to exit when choosing a weapon for engraving would still direct the player to the dialogue branch where they pick a name to engrave rather than canceling out. (Note for modders: this now requires dialogue trees ensconcing the blacksmith to have a branch for canceling the engraving process named "Cancel Naming"; otherwise, exiting out will return the player to branch 0 of the dialogue.)

- fixed: in Psy Clash, if the enemy AI chose to play a card that both affects one or more minions and a player but minions of the appropriate type did not exist in play, the game would recognize this as a valid move but would then get caught in a loop upon trying (and failing) to find a minion to target.

- fixed: in Psy Clash, you could click a card in your hand during the opponent's turn and the card would be played (though it would behave as if the opponent had played it).

- fixed: typing words with 'L' in them in the dialogue input field would cause the game to inadvertently save log files.


Changes for version 0.9.30:

- started laying the UI groundwork for creating customizable dialogue for custom characters.


- did some more work on supporting player-written dialogue for custom characters.


- you can now customize the following lines of dialogue for a custom character: deployment barks (up to 3); attack barks (up to 3); victory barks (up to 3); heal barks (up to 3); build barks (up to 3); and a defeat monologue.

- fixed: the custom character creator was overriding a character's chosen default facial expression upon saving the character.

- fixed: if, upon opening the game, the very first thing the player did was go to edit a custom character rather than creating a new one (or playing a campaign), the game would fail to load the necessary data from XML and would freeze.

- fixed: a few of the buttons in the custom character creator were missing sound effects for being clicked.

- fixed a typo in one of the variants for one of the response lines for pessimistic characters upon being told sad information about an ally's background.


- you can now customize the following lines of dialogue for a custom character: friendly fire barks (up to 2); and ally defeat reactions (up to 2).

- added gamepad support for the new custom character dialogue UI.

- added bespoke facial expression selection for each custom line in the custom character editor.

- fixed: custom portrait clothes assigned in the custom character editor would not reappear upon reloading the character in the editor later.


- began creating a Relationships screen the player can use to browse a character's relationships to other named characters.

- the game now supports custom relationship labels (i.e. those that can't be determined purely from familiarity, friendship, and romance values) for unique named characters vis-a-vis other unique named characters.

- new script action: SetRelationshipLabel. Sets a custom relationship label between two unique characters. Three parameters: character name, second character name, and the relationship label. Optional fourth parameter: is mutual. If true, the label will be applied to both characters; if false, only to the first. (By default, relationship labels are mutual.)

- new script action: RemoveRelationshipLabel. Removes the custom relationship label from a unique character. Two parameters: character name and second character name. Optionally, the third parameter can be a relationship label--if the first character's relationship label for the second character doesn't match this parameter, then nothing happens.

- when a unique character is generated from another character's NPCs and they happen to be relatives, the game now automatically updates both characters with appropriate relationship labels (e.g. Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, etc.)

- the wedding proposal event now updates the characters with a "Betrothed" relationship label if accepted.


- finished the Relationships screen!

- made the relationships button disappear from the character screen for generic characters and objects.

- made the relationships window auto-update when scrolling through characters using the mouse wheel.

- when checking danger ranges for enemies, the game now ignores other enemies of the same army who are temporarily blocking their movement, allowing you to see what their full threat range will be once they're no longer hemmed in.

- optimization: the game now checks boolean values instead of strings for a couple more variables when calculating moveable spaces.

- fixed: after switching the character screen to an enthralled enemy using the mouse wheel, subsequent switching via the mousewheel would show other units in the enthralled character's normal army instead of the army which currently had them enthralled.

- fixed: when selecting a character for a one-on-one in camp, the game would show a message about right-clicking characters to see their stats in detail even if the player was playing with a gamepad.