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Corrupt a Wish Foundation

Started by KZ, February 03, 2010, 10:55:15 AM

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Granted. But mine comes back and decides to stay.

I wish for "Ente Emu" to mean "Goat Cheese".


Granted. Now "Duck sauce" in German now means "Cheese sauce", and cheese sauce has a synonym. Way to go, Bug-farting boy...

I wish [that] Bugfartboy [meant] "im2smart4u".


Granted. Now "Duckling" means "Least intelligent thing in past, present, and future existence" in every single dimension/reality/universe.

I wish that we could all get along.


Granted. We could, except for some person that keeps viciously insulting me.  ;) Yes, I take it personally. Apologies.

I wish I didn't feel righteous indignation of a certain extent that almost prompted me to angrily post -- never a good idea.

And finally, I'd like to point out that my post actually made sense: "Ente Emu" means Duck Emu in English, so turning "Duck Emu" into "Cheese [of] Goat" means Duck sauce is Cheese sauce. I believe that in German, the nouns come before the adjectives, but I could very well be wrong.

If I am, Duck sauce becomes Goat sauce, which would be even worse.


Granted. Instead you get the gift and simply send a wave of shadow across the central US. You hit me and feel much much remorse.

I wish that hair was made of "Play-Doh" like in the commercials.


It is if you perform a full lobotomy, and replace the brain with Play-Doh, and drill holes in the head, and squeeze the... ooh. Is that too macabre?
Perhaps I'd better spoiler the rest.

[spoiler=continued]  *This space for rent*  [/spoiler]

I wish my spoilerlord hadn't evicted me.


Granted. But your login-boss kicks you out due to you being late on your payments. Very vey late. You then go offline. Forever. Sad ain't it.

I wish for a cheeseburger and for me to place 1st in Informative at my forensics tournament this thursday.


Granted. You get yourself, and the cheeseburger wins the tournament. Oh, sorry, hun -- did I mess up your order?

I wish for better service.


Granted. Cell service. Too bad that cheeseburger "accidentally" fried your cell phone. Yup. You got one free with my order and you lost it. Nice huh? :P

I wish that sleep was unneeded for everyone to survive.


Wish ungrantable, we sleep to give our brains rest more than actual exhaustion. Not sleeping indirectly kills you. :P

I wish that I owned a gas station.
I believe in evolution. How else would Charmander become Charizard?


Wish granted. You are now the proud owner of a station that sells a gas composed of 78% of nitrogen, 21% of oxygen and 1% of other stuff (this gas is called air... amazing). Good luck with the sales.

I wish I had more time to do what I want.
Ert, the Dead Cow.
With 2 small Mandelbrot sets as the spots.


Sorry, Ert, but I'm going to have to pick on the tense non-agreement.

You had time to do you you want, but did not know the time was for what you now want. Time wasted.

I wish that people would get the finer points of grammar.


Granted. They sharpen them even finer and stab you places where they don't belong and the sun should never shine with them. Ouch. Grammar hurts. :/

I wish that Ducky would survive being stabbed multiple places with fine and very sharp points of grammar.


It's okay; I'm can make things very blunt when I want to.

I wish that you would stop ordering my demise in various excruciatingly painful ways.


Granted. Instead I start bring about your demise in horribly embarrassing ways. Ways that indirectly become painfully excruciating.

By the way. You're in public. Doing stuff that I'm going to give us all the liberty of ommitting from this post. And other posts. Then, out of shame, you run and accidentally get sucked into a street cleaner. Ouch. That's gotta hurt. (I'm joking around. Sarcasm doesn't come across well in text.)

I wish that Ducky were less accident prone. I mean, just look at the outcome of a lot of his more recent wishes. :P :D