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Started by Deagonx, April 07, 2011, 06:41:40 PM

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I do express my regrets that I have chosen not to converse with thee at this time, Bug, and thus leave you out of this discussion, but I do hold a conversation with the good man deagonx, and address to him is of great necessity, as the aversion of his tragic death of woe is of, as thou mightest say, "high priority".

For what little it doth be worth, deagonx, the less thou knowest about thy rival in love, the better, for then thou canst not know what it is that thy lady friend preferreth in them.

But truly, if she chooseth them o'er thou, then the only eyes in which you are less than those whom your fickle lady companion betrayeth thee with are hers, and in no one else's eyes are you less. If truly thou are less in her eyes than are others, she is not meant to be yours, and there is very little persuading her; however, I cannot predict to the fullest extent the mind of any woman, nor any man. My expectation is that, indeed, thou hast lost thy quality which doth make thee greater than others, and that thy cause is lost. 'Tis a great burden for any man to bear that his lady companion does prefer another to him, a wound only healed by time, the fraternal companionship of true friends, or another lady companion, truer to her gentleman friend than she who did come before, if you knowest what I mean.

I can offer unto thee no more advice, but only consolation, for I have expent mine knowledge in this General Discussion thread. Toodles!

Oh, and sorry about that crack at your marijuana drug using environment and how it might affect your credibility as a source of information on marijuana drug. I am now ashamed at even making such a remark, but my worldly experience tells me that people whose parents use tobacco cigarettes are less opposed to tobacco smoking, so I was curious as to whether you were being influenced in this manner. I see, at your insistence, that you are not, and I regret and retract my questions and statements to that effect.


I think that the problem preceding has been... resolved.

She begged for me to take her back. I said go demon duck yourself. Or the next guy you see, since it seems to be the fashion in which you are going in.
I believe in evolution. How else would Charmander become Charizard?



I believe in evolution. How else would Charmander become Charizard?


Good to see you in good... Ish spirits again. I think...


Well, please excuse my explicit language. But I feel pretty epic right now and noooothhiinn is gonna bring me down.
I believe in evolution. How else would Charmander become Charizard?


I would appreciate it if you modifies out the explicit language within five minutes, or I may have to inform Ert if he hasn't already gotten rid of it or warned you.


Quote from: 1 Peter 5:8
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

And what Duck said too.


I dont see Satan devouring me anytime soon.
I believe in evolution. How else would Charmander become Charizard?


He's not biologically or physically devouring you; he's devouring you spiritually, and you'll die the second death after your first (biological) death.

Did I get that bit right, Bug?


Eh... Somewhat. But not bad.


I think, that given the civility of my messages after what she did, I get an excuse to swear.
I believe in evolution. How else would Charmander become Charizard?



I could have cussed her out, and swear 100s of times. But I didnt swear once, I responded quite maturely.

I think christ is forgiving, and gives a little leeway to everyone. I could have been like SOME people and blamed it on god, because some people believe that God pulls the strings on everything.. O_o
I believe in evolution. How else would Charmander become Charizard?
