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Messages - CraigStern

Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
January 15, 2025, 10:44:48 AM
Changes for version 1.0:

- created a new town menu option to bring the investigation to a close; this will appear as an option once the player has uncovered a certain amount of evidence.

- created a new, unique sound effect specifically for Mind Shock; the game now plays this when using the Mind Shock skill instead of reusing the Mind Blast sound effect (as it had previously done).

- new Machinist skill: Recharge. Restores a golem's energy and grants it Alert status for 1 round.

- boosted the health-restoring power of Tune Up (it now restores health equal to the Engineer's Strength rather than just 50% of the Engineer's Strength).

- new sound effect available in the campaign creation suite: Mind Shock.

- new skill graphics available in the campaign creation suite: Tune Up and Recharge.
Telepath Tactics Liberated (2022) / Re: Dev Log
January 09, 2025, 04:16:47 PM
For hotfix 1.0.60e:

- added a tag to Sarn Kamina causing her to prefer staying in the middle island during the Rescuing Sarn Kamina battle.

- when playing with gamepad, if you select a healing skill, the game now goes out of its way to position the selector on a tile containing an ally who's actually been damaged.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
January 09, 2025, 08:14:52 AM
- created a new Engineer skill: Tune Up. Heals the target golem and grants it +25% Strength for one turn. Only affects golems.

- new advanced class for engineers: Machinist! Machinists learn Tune Up, which they can use to support golem allies.

- skills that only affect targets with specific attributes are now supported.

- new sound effects: Hammering Fast and Ratcheting.

- new skill button graphic: Tune Up.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
January 08, 2025, 12:27:56 PM
- added Greeting (up to 3), Greeting Response (up to 3), and Secret (just 1) lines to the custom character dialogue customization screen.

- simplified the game's collision damage formula and exposed it in a new early-game tutorial. Before, base collision damage was the skill's inherent damage plus the attacker's base Strength or base Psy, to a maximum of  33% of the target's max health and with a minimum damage of 6. This, then, would be multiplied by the number of spaces the unit was prevented from moving by the collision. Now, collision damage is much more straightforward: the base damage simply the attacker's base Strength or base Psy (with a minimum of 6); this damage is now increased by 50% for each space of movement prevented beyond the first.

For example: a stone golem with base Strength of 10 will now deal 10 damage using Shove on someone against the edge of the map; 15 using Toss; 20 using Throw; or 25 using Hurl. (Previously, those amounts could have been capped by the target's maximum health, and would have increased much more dramatically with each extra space of knockback. Against a target with 24 maximum health, for instance, Shove would have had its damage capped at 8, Toss would have done 16, Throw would have done 24, and Hurl would have done 32--but against a target with 30 maximum health, they would have done 10, 20, 30, and 40 damage respectively.)

- when playing with gamepad, if you select a healing skill, the game now goes out of its way to position the selector on a tile containing an ally who's actually been damaged.

- when playing with gamepad, if the game automatically selects a skill to target an enemy multiple spaces away, the game now auto-adjusts the camera to try to keep both the target and the selected character visible onscreen.

- fixed: when playing with gamepad, the behavior to automatically select a skill if an enemy was in skill range after moving a character could sometimes fail if multiple enemies were within the skill's range in theory but not all of them were actually targetable in practice.

- fixed: when playing with gamepad, in some scenarios, the game could throw a null error when searching for targets in range after moving a character.

- fixed: when playing with gamepad, there was an error in the scripting for the tutorial dialogue tree teaching auto-move-and-attack preventing the player from exiting the dialogue tree.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
January 07, 2025, 09:57:59 AM
- finished getting the Dese Palace tile and fill tile working for the final battles.

- increased the size of the particle effects in Psy Clash to make hits feel more satisfying.

- minions in Psy Clash now have distinct sound effects for when their attacks land (i.e. they no longer all sound like they're attacking with swords).

- minions in Psy Clash no longer produce an attack sound effect during combat exchanges if they have a power of 0.

- in Psy Clash, if the AI player plays the same card multiple times in a row, the messages now fade out in between each to make it clearer that there are multiple instances of the card being played.

- fixed: in Psy Clash, the Gasul sprite would not show up when the AI played the Gasul card.

- fixed: in Psy Clash, a discrepancy between two different algorithms the AI used to evaluate moves could, in rare circumstances, cause the AI to get caught in an endless loop of thinking it had a valid move with a card and then rejecting that move, ad infinitum.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
January 06, 2025, 09:14:21 AM
- new random event: Shipping.

- fixed: the code for pulling a character's nickname during dialogue inappropriately reversed the roles of the two speakers.

- fixed: adding a character nickname during dialogue would not update the character's nickname for purposes of the remainder of that dialogue tree.

- fixed: in Psy Clash, if the AI opponent was left with only Focus in their deck, they could end up in an infinite loop of just playing Focus over and over again. The game now counts how many times an AI player has played the same card in any given turn and will rule it out as a possibility after playing it 5 times.

- fixed: due to a change in the Psy Clash code, it had become possible to fill up your lanes with minions, then repeatedly click a minion card in your hand possessing an "on played" effect (such as a gasul) to receive the effect over and over without ever actually clicking a minion to replace.

- updated in-game documentation to discuss the effect of character nicknames on special characters like -NAME- and -CHAR2-.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
January 05, 2025, 10:28:54 AM
- fixed in version 0.9.10c: traps had broken again due to me once again accidentally overwriting the file that contains their scripts. (Sigh.)
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
January 04, 2025, 09:58:52 AM
- created a rough draft of the Dese Palace Floor texture.

- there is now a chance for character friendships to increase when they practice together.

- wrote a new ally-defeat response line specifically for Hot-tempered characters.

- fixed a small timing issue where the victory screen waited too long to show the aura won.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
January 03, 2025, 10:02:28 AM
- fixed for version 0.9.10b: the mid-battle Give function had broken.

- fixed for version 0.9.10b: item sacks had become impassable.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
January 02, 2025, 08:47:37 AM
Temporarily turned off the new custom character dialogue and relationships screen features in order to push a version 0.9.10a hotfix, as one of the changes in version 0.9.10 evidently broke the "confirm leaving the shop" button. Beyond that:

- added gamepad support for the new Relationships window.

- fixed: when in deployment and playing with gamepad, it was not possible to open a character's details screen with the Y button.

- fixed: the gamepad cursor was not aligned correctly to the physical trait buttons in the character details screen.

- fixed: the gamepad cursor was not aligned correctly to the item buttons in the character details screen.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
January 01, 2025, 11:36:34 AM
- new attribute type supported for UnitsToList: Spoke. Narrows down by characters who've spoken a particular type of generated dialogue in the past (Greeting, Like, Hobby, Background Where, Background What, Background Family, Nickname, Secret, etc.)

- characters can now only be the subject of an Ally Gift event if they've spoken about their miscellaneous like at some point in the past.

- cleaned up the character screen layout a bit; equipment masteries are now located right above the inventory box, skills have been moved into the top-right, and physical traits now sit just below skills.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
December 31, 2024, 02:38:11 PM
- finished the Relationships screen!

- made the relationships button disappear from the character screen for generic characters and objects.

- made the relationships window auto-update when scrolling through characters using the mouse wheel.

- when checking danger ranges for enemies, the game now ignores other enemies of the same army who are temporarily blocking their movement, allowing you to see what their full threat range will be once they're no longer hemmed in.

- optimization: the game now checks boolean values instead of strings for a couple more variables when calculating moveable spaces.

- fixed: after switching the character screen to an enthralled enemy using the mouse wheel, subsequent switching via the mousewheel would show other units in the enthralled character's normal army instead of the army which currently had them enthralled.

- fixed: when selecting a character for a one-on-one in camp, the game would show a message about right-clicking characters to see their stats in detail even if the player was playing with a gamepad.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
December 30, 2024, 04:26:19 PM
- began creating a Relationships screen the player can use to browse a character's relationships to other named characters.

- the game now supports custom relationship labels (i.e. those that can't be determined purely from familiarity, friendship, and romance values) for unique named characters vis-a-vis other unique named characters.

- new script action: SetRelationshipLabel. Sets a custom relationship label between two unique characters. Three parameters: character name, second character name, and the relationship label. Optional fourth parameter: is mutual. If true, the label will be applied to both characters; if false, only to the first. (By default, relationship labels are mutual.)

- new script action: RemoveRelationshipLabel. Removes the custom relationship label from a unique character. Two parameters: character name and second character name. Optionally, the third parameter can be a relationship label--if the first character's relationship label for the second character doesn't match this parameter, then nothing happens.

- when a unique character is generated from another character's NPCs and they happen to be relatives, the game now automatically updates both characters with appropriate relationship labels (e.g. Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, etc.)

- the wedding proposal event now updates the characters with a "Betrothed" relationship label if accepted.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
December 29, 2024, 10:38:27 AM
- you can now customize the following lines of dialogue for a custom character: friendly fire barks (up to 2); and ally defeat reactions (up to 2).

- added gamepad support for the new custom character dialogue UI.

- added bespoke facial expression selection for each custom line in the custom character editor.

- fixed: custom portrait clothes assigned in the custom character editor would not reappear upon reloading the character in the editor later.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
December 28, 2024, 01:55:49 PM
- you can now customize the following lines of dialogue for a custom character: deployment barks (up to 3); attack barks (up to 3); victory barks (up to 3); heal barks (up to 3); build barks (up to 3); and a defeat monologue.

- fixed: the custom character creator was overriding a character's chosen default facial expression upon saving the character.

- fixed: if, upon opening the game, the very first thing the player did was go to edit a custom character rather than creating a new one (or playing a campaign), the game would fail to load the necessary data from XML and would freeze.

- fixed: a few of the buttons in the custom character creator were missing sound effects for being clicked.

- fixed a typo in one of the variants for one of the response lines for pessimistic characters upon being told sad information about an ally's background.