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King of the hill

Started by Mopman, February 04, 2010, 02:43:06 PM

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Sure, but what role does it play within security system. I don't want to just ignore it; that would be poor form.


There is no computer; the forcefield and M.D.Z. runs without supervision or control, and because of this, cannot be hacked.


Oh. I thought there was an unhackable computer involved. In that case, I raise my Bose-Einstein Helium Golem. It goes through the MDZ, as it is only held together with Van der Waals forces, and slips into the fourth dimension for about 2 metres, and comes back into this set of 3 dimensions inside the forceshield. Sorry 'bout the godmodding, but just think of it that your defenses were so good, I had to godmod to pass them.

Then, it claims the hill, sabotages the mechanisms from the inside, and claims the Hill, surrounding it. Don't touch; its temperature is circa one nanodegree.


Hmm; I did say it couldn't be de-activated from the inside, but OK.

I teleport inside the Hill, claim it, and teleport away.

My Hill.

Incidentally, I also offer a subsantial reward for your head on a plate, severed from your body.


Darn them bounty hunters! Always getting in the way. And while you did say it couldn't be deactivated for the inside, some (including me) might say that deactivation not being an option and sabotage being an impossibility are two different things.

Ah, well; if we dwelt on all the technicalities and misinterpretations, we'd be here a while.

This brings me to my next point; there's an inside of the hill? I might have filled it in if I were to have known of it...


Yeah; a panic room WITHIN the Hill.


Well, I teleport to you, and bring a plate that is severed from my body, and put my attached head on it. Delivered, promptly retracted, but I ask nonetheless for the reward. Then I send a gust of pure oxygen at you, and the steel fist oxidizes. Heavily. My Hill, after you are ejected into deep space. Have a nice sentence or two explaining how to get back to Earth!


Ah, I wasn't made of steel. Nonetheless, we shall proceed as if I had been, and I was one more a 'steel golem'. Having frozen, I float for what seems to be an eternity. Eventually, I arrive at a futuristic planet. This is earth, and I have been floating for several thousand years. I steal a prototype time machine, and return to the point just before you eject me into space. I knock you out. And replace me with you. My (and my past  self, who rules beside me) Hill, after you are ejected into deep space. Have a nice sentence or two explaning how to get back to earth!


Using a special weather-control machine that was secretly developed while you were all fighting for the hill, I induce a rain of fluoroantimonic acid upon the hill, and, consequently, you. I then seal your remains within a titanium sphere and launch you into space (Have a nice sentence or two explaning how to get back to earth!) and build an underground bunker, where I stay.


After recovering from my poisoning (I'm still not dead!), I sneak over to where the hill is and take some in a vial. Not much to have the hill but enough... for now. I quietly sneak back to Canada and put in the hill extract and place my own garden. I crack out the maple syrup and pull up a table, two chairs, two glasses and wait.

Cypher's Hill: 99%

My Hill: 1%

Ahhhh... here's to Canada. 
If The World Was A Bit More Like Canada, Then We Would Have A Great World, And Hockey 24/7

- Lord Canada

Idozen Cair

I move in, kick everybody out and own this hill.
My hill.
I doesn't care, do I?


You can't kick me out, I'm in an underground bunker with armed guards!


Ah, telepathfan . . .

No. 1 - You have a stupid name. I mean, TELEPATHFAN2!? Really? You're only on the forum ABOUT telepath!

No. 2 - You can't do that; just take the Hill. Either you are a moron, didn't read the rules, or most likely, are simply a minor troll, who came here to irritate people. But I digress. Just remember, before posting, read the rules detailed (usually) on the first page of a topic, and use some sense. If everyone is trying to get the Hill inventively, then most likely that is what you should do; use some imagination.

No. 3 - Excellent. Someone who knows how to use punctuation. Yes, usually, with a new member, it takes a few weeks for them to start using the occasional full stop and capital letter (You know who you are, or, at least, were).

OK. I can't be bothered to take the Hill after my rant.


Honestly, I didn't remember the guards. . .


In my capsule, I experiment with teleportation. I finally escape, by teleporting into the bunker. I kill you and your guards. I take the Hill (My Hill), and go into hiding. There are an elite team of invisible, omnipotent and totally loyal ninjas guarding it. Incredibly well equiped ninjas.