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Corrupt a Wish Foundation

Started by KZ, February 03, 2010, 10:55:15 AM

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wish granted, you get captured and put in a zoo

I wish I knew how to speak Japanese


Wish granted, it becomes a dead language so you have nobody to talk to.

I wish my wishes didn't end up in me dying all the time.


Wish granted. Now you just suffer in pain to the end of the time.

I wish i wasn't in the zoo.
If you seek it, you can find it. Freedom can be attained.


Wish granted. You get stolen from the zoo, killed, stuffed, and mounted on a wall.
I wish I were good at this game!
...For I am his, and he is mine, bought by the precious blood of Christ.

Anyone want to find the rest of the words?


Wish granted. Your good at making wishes, which turn out very bad.

I wish I wasn't stuffed and stuff...
If you seek it, you can find it. Freedom can be attained.


Wish granted. The wall that you're mounted on gets struck by lightning and catches on fire. Now you're not stuffed, just incinerated.
I wish we could go three wishes with someone getting killed.
...For I am his, and he is mine, bought by the precious blood of Christ.

Anyone want to find the rest of the words?


Wish granted. It's you who dies.

I wish that yogc would revive me.
If you seek it, you can find it. Freedom can be attained.


Wish granted. I manage to revive you and put you in a new body, but I end up dying before I can completely finish it, so you spend the rest of your life treated like a freak.
I wish a new demo for TSoG would come out.
...For I am his, and he is mine, bought by the precious blood of Christ.

Anyone want to find the rest of the words?


Wish granted. The demo's actionscript is not yet ready, so the gameplay sucks. You start to hate the game.

I wish for the eternal.
If you seek it, you can find it. Freedom can be attained.


Wish granted. First you get eternal life, then you get eternal torture.
I wish for a paycheck.
...For I am his, and he is mine, bought by the precious blood of Christ.

Anyone want to find the rest of the words?


wish granted, you get payed a hay penny.

I wish I could go to the beach.


Wish granted. You can. The beach is frozen tho.

I wish for something that is no painful or deadly.
If you seek it, you can find it. Freedom can be attained.


You are publicly humiliated in front of someone you're interested in romantically.

I wish for a genie that would independently grant my wishes in uncorrupted form.


wish granted, the genie thinks your handsome and kidnaps you your now its slave for the rest of time

I wish my dog didn't wake me up at 5 in the morning to take him out.


Wish granted, now he wakes you up at 4.
I wish more people would play the game.
...For I am his, and he is mine, bought by the precious blood of Christ.

Anyone want to find the rest of the words?