Archive for the ‘Game Updates’ Category

True Messiah June 2016 update

Hey guys! This update on True Messiah is going to be nice and short. Here is what’s new since last month: Tiles Franklin Chan has completed the holy city tiles! I’m terribly pleased with them; they blend the messiahs’ temple art with the game’s “dead city” motif perfectly. With this,…

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True Messiah May 2016 update

Another month, another update! True Messiah remains on track for a fall 2016 Kickstarter; below, we find a summary of the latest progress on your soon-to-be favorite strategy game of surreal religious horror… Tiles Holy city tiles are still in-progress, as the artist has been busy with work from other…

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True Messiah April 2016 update

Greetings! Another month has passed, and that means another update on True Messiah. In the last update, we got a look at the awesome 3D-printed 71 mm True Messiah miniatures, along with lots of other awesome stuff that I won’t bother recounting because you can just click the link. And…

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True Messiah March 2016 update

Hey guys, it’s time for another update on True Messiah, everyone’s favorite surreal religious horror strategy board game! The last update encompassed several months worth of progress, so there was a lot to cover there; this one will be a wee bit more compact. Let’s start off with that surprise…

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True Messiah February 2016 update

Hey there, strategy game fans! As it’s been three months since the last big update, I figured I’d pop on here and tell you all how True Messiah is shaping up. In a word: excellently! Cards Since I last wrote, 100% of True Messiah’s card art has been completed! As…

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New True Messiah Card Art!

Hey folks! Just a quick update on True Messiah here. Progress is continuing nicely; True Messiah now has a proper home page, as well as a page on BoardGameGeek. True Messiah’s card art is now nearly complete, with 34 of the game’s 40 unique card types fully illustrated, the card…

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Telepath Tactics v. 1.051 patch

A quick follow-up patch here with one important fix and a couple of quality of life improvements: – fixed a bug in which the game would throw an error upon starting a new game if the game did not detect an already-existing Documents > My Games > Telepath Tactics >…

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Telepath Tactics v. 1.050 patch

Another patch! Here are the fixes in this one: the game will now successfully load saved game files from slots which you haven’t yet created a game in. (If, for example, you download someone else’s saved game.) fixed a bug in which the game’s shadowling bosses would not spawn with…

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Telepath Tactics v. 1.049 patch

Players have been doing a good job of submitting bug reports lately, which means I’ve been able to find and fix a bunch of new stuff! Here are the latest changes: – fixed a typo in the code that was causing the game not to remove particles properly, leading to…

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Telepath Tactics v. 1.048 patch

Hey folks! I’ve got another quick patch with a small handful of fixes and improvements: – fixed a bug in which the game would sometimes fail to recognize the designated scene to go to when loading a saved game, thereby causing the load to fail. – fixed a bug in…

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