The TSoG GUI Update!

It’s finally here! I think you will all be pleased to know that Telepath RPG: Servants of God has been updated with a lovely, brand-new GUI that spans all areas of the game. The second crypt has been added as well, along with a few other goodies: a more customizable…

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The Top 6 Reasons to Support Indie RPGs

This topic has been addressed before by other people, but in light of recent news, I figured I’d compile a list that takes certain, ah, new factors into account. So let’s say that you have some disposable income, and that you’re trying to decide whether to spend it on big…

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Interview with GameDevHub

I thought you might like to know that has published an interview with me about game development and Telepath RPG: Servants of God in particular. Here’s an excerpt: GDH: When you begin development of a game, what area do you start with? For example, with the Telepath games, had…

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Forum and GUI Updates

First, some new forums info: posting on the old forums is now disabled. The old forums still remain available to read, however, so you can find the old threads you liked and restart the discussion on the new forums if you have the urge. Second, the GUI update is getting…

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New forums!

Exciting news! We now have locally hosted forums, which means: no more annoying ads on the forums, no more random forum crashes that I can’t do anything about, no more word count limits on posts! I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty thrilled about it. Go ahead and register…

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Forum Issues

Our old forum host has issued something of an ultimatum: all users must upgrade their forums by January 31st or face deletion. Unfortunately, the upgrade process is not working, and our host hasn’t responded to requests for technical support. Right now, I’m looking into creating new, ad-free forums hosted here…

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Crypt 2: In progress!

Hey guys, a quick update–I’m working on a devious new crypt for you all! Progress is slow, however, as my dad’s been in the hospital the past few weeks, and I’ve been visiting him every day. Still, things are coming along, and I hope to have the thing playable by…

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Happy Holidays!

Well, stick a hat on me and call me Santa: as a special Christmas/late-Chanukah present just for you, I’ve made a Telepath RPG: Servants of God update! The side quest in West Ravinale is now done. You can complete the quest in a huge variety of different ways.  Some endings…

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GUI Updates Coming!

I’ve enlisted the services of talented games artist Heriberto Valle Martinez in redesigning Telepath RPG: Servants of God‘s interface. Expect to see some changes to the look of the game’s menus sometime in the next couple of months! For now, here’s a neat initial sketch he did of a stylized…

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving, for those of you outside the United States, is a holiday where Americans get together with their families, give thanks for the many things that are good in their lives, and eat huge meals meant to remind them of the generosity of Native Americans who shared their food with…

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