Telepath Tactics December 2013 Update

Happy New Year! It’s time for another summary of our monthly progress. First: Telepath Tactics made it into the Top 100 on Steam Greenlight this month for the first time! We’ve been steadily getting pushed back, though, as bigger games with larger audiences have shown up and flooded the service…

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Telepath Tactics November 2013 Update

November is now gone–you know what that means! It’s time for another monthly update on Telepath Tactics. So what’s new? With the completion of the portraits for the male and female bandit, we’ve finished up the game’s generic NPC portraits and have now moved on to portraits for unique characters.…

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Telepath Tactics October 2013 Update

October’s done, and so is a lot of work on Telepath Tactics! Here is the latest update on the game’s progress. We now have old and young portrait variants for NPCs: We’ve finished up animations for the Mentalist, Engineer, and Stone Golem! That leaves us with just three more base…

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Telepath Tactics September 2013 Update

Hear that? That’s the sound of September slipping into October–and with that, the sound of another update on my progress in creating Telepath Tactics! Here’s the latest: With the delivery of finished orb icons from Julie Buge, the game’s item icons are now complete: Every single one of the game’s…

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Telepath Tactics August 2013 Update

Another month gone, another round-up of what happened in it! I’m a little later than usual on this one, simply because PAX Prime overlapped the start of September. I’ve been scrambling to get stuff done since my return, so apologies for the late post. Here is what we got done…

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Telepath Tactics, PAX and the Indie MEGABOOTH

This PAX Prime was my first PAX Prime. It was incredible. We won a Drool Award from, one of only 10 they give out at the event; TotalBiscuit stopped by my booth and played a live 1-v-1 match against the AI for 30 minutes; I got to do interviews…

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Telepath Tactics alpha funding

Over the past few months, I’ve received a surprising number of messages from people who want to support Telepath Tactics, but either (a) missed the Kickstarter campaign, or (b) did not have a bank account to allow them to contribute to the Kickstarter campaign while it was running. For these…

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Telepath Tactics July 2013 Update

Hello, folks, and welcome to another monthly update on my progress creating Telepath Tactics! I’m now 3/4ths of the way into my first month of working on this full-time due to my sabbatical from work, and I’m pleased to report that it is awesome. I love the freedom of setting…

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Telepath Tactics June 2013 Update

Welcome to another monthly update on Telepath Tactics! I’ve spent a significant amount of time this month making arrangements: hiring new artists, signing up to show Telepath Tactics at shows and conventions, and (most excitingly for me) arranging a sabbatical from my day job to work on Telepath Tactics full-time.…

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Why I’m using female lead characters

Back in October, you may recall me writing a bit about the challenges I’ve faced in writing female lead characters. Today, I’d like to talk a bit more about why I have chosen to have female leads–and in the process, hopefully convince some of my fellow developers to follow suit.…

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