Telepath Tactics May 2013 Update

Welcome to another monthly update on Telepath Tactics! Today, we’ll be summing up everything that happened in May. First and perhaps most importantly, I just submitted Telepath Tactics to Indiecade. Most of the past few weeks have been spent polishing the game and stamping out bugs in anticipation of that…

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Telepath Tactics April 2013 Update

In our last monthly update, we were halfway into the Telepath Tactics Kickstarter campaign and I had just come back from PAX East. So that was last month–this month, the Kickstarter campaign has finally ended. The results? Telepath Tactics is 275% funded, with 1,733 backers and $41,259 pledged! I learned…

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Telepath Tactics March 2013 Update

Time for another monthly update! First thing’s first: this Kickstarter campaign is turning to be a huge success. We hit our base funding goal just 3 days in, and are now 184% funded with 14 days left on the clock. We’ve hit our first stretch goal, are nearly at our…

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Telepath Tactics back on Kickstarter

Folks! It’s baaaa-aaaaaack… I will now preemptively answer your questions using my astounding psychic powers: Wait. Didn’t you already run a Kickstarter? Yes: it did not succeed. Thus, Kickstarter being what it is, no one was charged and I received none of the funds. So I’m trying again. Why is…

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Telepath Tactics February 2013 update

Update time! First, I’d like to take this opportunity to formally announce something exciting: Telepath Tactics is going to be at the Indie MegaBooth at PAX East! This is a really great opportunity for the game, seeing as the gaming press tends to converge on the MegaBooth and, you know,…

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Telepath Tactics January 2013 update

Another month, another update! The first  change you’ll probably notice–indeed, the change you almost certainly have already noticed–is not to Telepath Tactics, but to the website. Which is to say, the uber-talented Jamie Sanchez redesigned recently. If you are reading this and you need a nice site, you should…

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Telepath Tactics December 2012 update

Wow. Was that really just one month? It feels like it was a small eternity! So, I ran a Kickstarter over the past month that garnered 840 backers pledging over $18,000, but we ultimately fell a little shy of the $25,500 goal. I’m not too worried about it, though. The…

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Telepath Tactics Kickstarter campaign is go!

Telepath Tactics has a new thing going for it, folks! It starts with a ‘K’ and ends with an ‘ickstarter,’ and it’s going to let me make this game everything that it can be. I am, of course, talking about a website that you should visit immediately. If you don’t…

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Telepath Tactics November 2012 update

Hello folks, and welcome to another update on the development of Telepath Tactics! Lots of great stuff has happened over the previous month. First, the title theme music is now complete and in-game. Second, Benn Marion has the game’s title screen art almost done: Pretty, no? The biggest substantive change…

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